The MacOS setup assistant will only run once. If you've created a user and you're unhappy with it, or you want to migrate another user over you might want to reset the OS so the SetupAssistant runs again on next boot. The setup assistant differs from the Migration Assistant by allowing you to choose a specific restore point from a time machine, rather than just the last backup. This is great if you need to go back to a stable OS before you had problems. Here's how:
If you lost your admin access, you can do this process through the Safe Boot (thanks commenter*): 1. Boot into Single user mode (cmd+S) run the following commands: mount -uw / rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone reboot On next reboot the system will start the Setup Assistant again. You're welcome.
I'll keep this short and sweet. Malwarebytes has for many years been the go to tool for Mac users to easily find and remove malware from you Mac, FOR FREE. Recently they released version 3.0 which is now a subscription based model and only runs in a trial mode. They clearly went the route of building a user base with a free tool then switched it on us.
Welp, here's the last FREE version of Malwarebytes for Mac that will remove malware for FREE! Of course, don't accept the upgrade if prompted to do so. Enjoy. You're welcome. This is going to be a quick fix. I've encountered a few clients that have a rare problem where they try to log into their iCloud (via system preferences) or log into the App Store and they are greeted with an error stating "This action cannot be completed. Try again."
You have bad system permissions. Why? Looks like it's associated with an OS update. Fix: Open terminal and paste in each line separately (3 lines), hit enter after each one, then enter your password. Line two and three wont prompt for your password after you've entered it into the first line.
Restart your mac. iCloud and App Store will work. You're welcome. Background: Recently, Apple released the replacement app to iPhoto called Apple photos. When you opened photos for the first time your entire iPhoto Library was "migrated" (converted) into a second library called "Photos Library." First, let me say that although it looks like your library has been duplicated, it hasn't. The new library is a hard link to the old library, so the data is not doubled. You can delete the old library and the link is broken, so delete, or don't delete, it doesn't matter. BUT more importantly, many people wanted to run the migration again and couldn't, they got a message that looked like this: What is this? "Cannot open migrated library The content of the iPhoto Library "iPhoto Library" has already been migrated to Photos. Open Photos to view your library or use a compatible version of iPhoto to open this iPhoto Library." I'm not going to show you how to open this library in iPhoto, there are many other guides online, I'm going to show you how to run the migration to Photos again. Why?
If for any reason you're trying to rerun the migration here's what you do:
Why didn't these simple instruction exist on the internet? IDK. You're welcome. Today I launched my plex media server running on my 2007 MacMini running MacOS Lion 10.7.5 and a big orange button said "UPDATE AVAILABLE." Seeing that, I decided to stop using my brain and click it in excitement for all the potential new greatness that awaited (even tho my server ran rock solid already). What happened after the upgrade terrified me; a finder error stared at me saying this version of Plex Media Server is not capable of running on Lion, you must now have Mountain Lion. Shit, aaaand now my daughter is screaming at me to play her Little Einstein videos.
Good news, I DO use my brain from time to time to cover my ass. Here's a the last version of Plex Media Server that runs on MacOS Lion 10.7.5 system. You're welcome. So many of you are wondering how you can mount a DMG (disk image) clone which will allow you to use migration assistant to pull data from it. Here I'll show you the easiest and best way to do this.
Background: As of Mavericks (10.9 and the current OSs) Apple did something stupid, they removed DMG support for migration assistant. Actually they didnt remove support, they changed the way migration assistant logged out of the current user, which in turn unmounted all DMGs. Major bummer for the tech savvy people out there. So then came a way to use the sudo command in the terminal to mount the DMG as the root user, thus keeping it mounted even after the logout. BUT, if you've ever tried to mount a large DMG, the OS will run a checksum (verification) which can take FOREVER (hours even). The FIX:
Why is this awesome? Because the option "-noverify" skips the OS verification and the DMG mounts instantly. You're welcome. If you know what we're talking about and don't care about the why then skip down to "Fix". Since Yosemite was released (and continues in El Capitan) our repair technicians started to notice a funny problem, Mac's were showing up with a incorrect disk partition scheme: Logical Core Partition or Encrypted Logical Core. What the heck is this? These two partitions schemes do have a place in the apple universe, they are intended for iMacs that have a "fusion drive." These are custom ordered iMacs that have an SSD to give the user speed and a standard rotational HD that provides massive storage space, and apple created a special partition scheme that would marry the two together so the user would see one single drive. Nice right? Not really. When Yosemite was releases we began to see Non Fusion drive Mac change to this partition type completely at random and for completely unexplained reasons. We saw it the most in Macs with stock SSDs like the MacBook Airs and Retina Display MacBook Pros but also in HDD Macs too. Why is this a problem? When the internal HD is in the incorrect partition scheme the performance suffers considerably. We have repaired this problem on 8 of 10 macs so it's very prevalent. This requires some terminal work, but its super easy. THE FIX
The operation should only take a few moments and once finished your disk will be back to normal! Although we always recommend a backup before doing any work like this, this process wont erase anything, you can even run this directly from the system with the bug. **Thanks for the image.
Sometimes you may encounter a situation where you have a long list of bluetooth items in your menu list, but they don't show up in the bluetooth preferences. So how do you remove them? FIX Option 1: Remove them one at a time.
Option 2: Remove ALL the bluetooth devices at once.
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